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Curious bear takes 400 selfies with wildlife motion capture camera

The Boulder, Colorado, Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP) team tweeted this week that the adorable bear was eager to pose for the wildlife motion capture camera.
“Recently a bear found a wildlife camera that we use to monitor wildlife in the open spaces of Boulder,” OSMP tweeted. “Of the 580 photos taken, about 400 were bear selfies.”
The bear incident took place last November, but only recently made headlines. News outlets everywhere seem to be struggling to spread the photos of the adorable bear posing in various poses shared by OSMP.
“OSMP has installed nine cameras on its 46,000-acre land system to help the department learn more about how native wildlife uses the landscape around us while minimizing personnel presence in vulnerable habitats,” the organization said in a statement. blog post in August 2022.
“Motion detection cameras give us a unique opportunity to learn more about how native species use the landscape around us, minimizing our presence in vulnerable habitats,” added Will Keely, Senior Wildlife and Mountain Parks Ecologist.
“These cameras play an important role in helping OSMP personnel identify important wildlife areas. The information we receive from them is used to recommend habitat conservation measures to help protect vulnerable natural areas.”
A bear recently found a wildlife camera and we are using it to observe wildlife in open space #Boulder. Of the 580 photos taken, about 400 were bear selfies.

Post time: Feb-20-2023