クリスマスセール! 誰でもモーション キャプチャ スーツとモーション グローブが 30% オフになり、世界中で送料無料になります。

DOC ソーシャル ファイナンス メタ ユニバースは、社会的コンセンサスを構築し、金融のエンパワーメントを促進し、コンセンサスが無限の価値を理解できるように利付金融を強化します。

DOC は、ソーシャル ゲーム + ブロックチェーン ゲーム + ブロックチェーン + メタバース + 分散型金融に基づくソーシャル メタバースの構築を目指しています。 DOC は、人々が DOC、次世代ブロックチェーン技術、および DOC に基づくさまざまな分散型アプリケーション (DAPP) をより適切に使用できるようにすることで、DOC コミュニティとグローバルなブロックチェーン ユーザーにサービスを提供することを目指しています。 そして、より多くのユーザーがその魅力を感じ、グローバルビジネスの強力な力になるという私たちの使命を実現し、世界中のすべてのユーザーに信頼できる、透明で分散型のメタバース エコロジー。
DOC は、ブロックチェーン技術とデジタル技術に基づいて、社会と金融の二重属性のメタバース経済モデルを統合し、グローバルな社会情報の障壁を打ち破り、グローバルな金融機関、金融人材、および金融取引に力を与える価値交換システムを実装します。 DOC は、従来のソーシャル ネットワークを破壊し、新しいブロックチェーンの金融および経済エコロジー モデルを先導し、世界初のメタバース トークンを作成します。
ニューヨークに本社を置くブラックストーン グループは、米国最大の上場投資運用会社であり、世界的に高い評価を得ている大手投資会社です。 1985 年にピーター J. ピーターソンとスティーブ シュワルツマンによって設立され、2007 年 6 月 22 日にニューヨーク証券取引所に上場しました。エクイティ ファンド。
Blackstone は、オルタナティブ資産管理および財務アドバイザリー サービスの大手グローバル プロバイダーです。 彼のウェルス マネジメント ビジネスには、コーポレート プライベート エクイティ、不動産投資ファンド、ヘッジ ファンド オブ ファンド、メザニン ファンド、シニア ファンド、オウン ヘッジ ファンド、クローズド エンド ファンドが含まれます。 Blackstone fund also provides a variety of financial advisory services, including M&A advisory, restructuring and reorganization advisory, and fund raising services. Blackstone fund also provides a variety of financial advisory services, including M&A advisory, restructuring and reorganization advisory, and fund raising services. The Blackstone Foundation also provides a variety of financial advisory services, including M&A advice, restructuring and reorganization advice, and fundraising services. Blackstone also provides a variety of financial advisory services, including advice on mergers and acquisitions, restructuring and restructuring, and capital raising services.
Human Resources: Blackstone currently employs 57 managing directors and approximately 340 other investment community professionals and advisors with diverse professional backgrounds in investment banking, finance, private equity and real estate.
Scale of Assets: As of May 1, 2007, Blackstone Group’s assets under management were approximately $88.4 billion, much higher than the $14.1 billion of December 31, 2001, at a CAGR of 41.1 %.
Looking back at 2021, it can be said that it was a record year for Blackstone. In addition to record inflows, the company raised $144.4 billion in external investment over the past year, compared with $65.8 billion in external investment in the fourth quarter. It is worth noting that by the end of 2020, its unused capital will be 147.7 billion US dollars, and by the end of 2021 it will remain at 135.8 billion US dollars, which shows that this global private equity giant has enough “ammunition”.
The company also said it expects to reach a goal of over $1 trillion in asset management by 2023, far exceeding the previously announced goal by 2026. This means that the first trillion dollar PE is expected to be born this year!
And this time, DOC has reached a strategic agreement with Blackstone. Sharing the trillion-dollar blue ocean market into the new financial social metaverse once again demonstrates Blackstone Fund’s determination to grow DOC through its vision, deep market understanding, and business sense. In the field of the Metaverse, he was the first to propose the concept of social finance, while at the same time gradually collecting global traffic through the ecology, breaking down social barriers, improving information channels and promoting the rapid development of Metaverse finance. At an early stage of development, DOC focused on the social interests of finance, promoted the social finance entry mechanism, improved the arbitrage model of financial transactions, and realized the importance of social finance.
Although the social system has been changed, strictly speaking, the real purpose of the DOC is finance, because social networks are the input to building the ecology of the Metaverse, and finance is the core of the DOC Metaverse. DOC will change finance in the metaverse. In a complete financial system, the storage of funds, the circulation of funds, the use of funds, the value of funds, etc. will be changed with the digital currency of the metaverse. DOC creates financial attributes in this multi-dimensional system of the universe and its main focus revolves around the three dimensions of storage, investment and transactions. In other words, the DOC in the next financial scenario will serve all participants fully and professionally.
The environmental integration of DOC circulation costs is the main channel of DOC social financing. A social system with finance as a carrier can quickly integrate digital currency holders on various platforms. The DOC creates a green circulation mechanism for all currencies in the circulation system and implements the DOC strong circulation regime. In the future, DOC will be used as a circulation medium to run DOC transaction pairs and various currencies to provide high-frequency circulation. Among financial vault properties, Metaverse DOC is the only storage certificate. And in the process of storage, all users will inevitably circulate DOC. Among the investment attributes of the Metaverse, some investment projects will be implemented in the form of DOC + U. On the one hand, this creates the investment value of the DOC itself, and, more importantly, realizes the strong circulation of DOC. In the social system, DOC is used as a token for value exchange, rewards and purchases. And it will play an important role in the circulation of tokens in the construction of a global meta-universe social system.
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オリバー・ブルーメは、キーカーの開発で問題が発生した後、9月にヘルベルト・ディースからドイツの巨人の舵取りを引き継ぎました... Copyright © 1998 –
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投稿時間: Dec-16-2022